
Standard cleaning in all rooms: Dusting Picture frames Knickknack Celling fans Furniture Woodwork Shelves Baseboards vacuum carpets Vacuum furniture including under any cushions Empty and clean ashtrays and wastbasket Standard kitchen cleaning Appliances Counters Cabinets Table and chairs Range top Refrigerator (out side) Microwave ( inside and out) Clean and sanitize Sinks Countertops Backsplashes Floors Standard bathroom cleaning Mirrors Polish chrome Clean and sanitize: Shower bath tub Sinks Vanity Backsplash Toilet Floors Tile walls...

Affordable House Cleaning Services Myrtle Beach Couple Cleaning Myrtle Beach is a House Cleaning firm with a reputable brand that has many years of combined experience. Our team can handle nearly any home cleaning demand you give us, including: Scrubbing showers, tubs, and sinks Washing tile and wood...